Saturday 22 March 2014

Security Concerns of E-Business

E-business can be seen as one of the most important fundamentals to running a business. For many entrepreneurs, the Internet can seem like an ideal location to set up shop with the removal of location limitations, little to no running costs and an endless supply of ‘ready to buy’ customers. But along with all the benefits of e-business comes some definite risks to watch out for such as security risks.
In order for business to run smoothly across the web, e-businesses rely on their service providers and the corresponding computers to stay clear from downloading any malicious software such as viruses or worms which might cause internet services to stop working properly and result in a lose of trade.
Other active threats to online businesses include hackers.
 Most e-businesses allow users to interact with the website in order to create relationships with potential customers/clients. But this open interaction will sometimes attract experienced web users to gain access to forbidden parts of the website. Once exposed, the hackers will have access to private information such as customer’s names, credit card details and passwords. This in turn can lose the customer’s trust towards online trading and lose existing customers business.

In order to build the foundation of a customers trust, ‘the e-business must guarantee the users that all their private information will be kept safe, well maintained and up to date’. Having a well-constructed defense against any unwanted hackers will prove to be valuable so the website can perform well and at full speed and therefore maintaining trade.

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