Saturday 22 March 2014

Social Networking in E-business

Social networking has become more and more popular in recent years. Throughout this blog we will take a look at how the development of social media has impacted the world of business and how e-business has helped companies expand in ways never imagined before.
Social networking has grown to be much more then the original simplistic idea of connecting two social actors by means of the Internet. Today, social media sites have been developed to cater for large online communities with multiple age groups.  In terms of e-business, this has helped companies develop more effective customer services, market their product faster and expand their market to a global scale.
The incorporation of e-commerce with social media sites has also created a low budgeted medium for advertising. The growing use of adverts on sites such as Facebook has helped redirect potential customers to e-commerce websites where it is possible to purchase the product advertised. Although these shortcuts to online stores have great potential, they still lack the glue that holds all business deals together, which is trust. If a customer is unfamiliar with an e-commerce site they automatically deem it to be untrustworthy. This leaves the potential clients short of the required time to make a purchase, as these sites are unfamiliar.
Before making sales online, companies need to firstly establish relationships with the customers. Creating brand awareness through discussions is one way of creating customer relations. This can demonstrate the quality and expertise involved in the brand. Spreading word-of-mouth is another powerful way to create a positive brand image. “46 percent of social network users are reported to have posted something positive about at least on brand. Companies which have small but loyal following can increase that following by encouraging customers to spread the word on social media sites.” (

The Role of Social Media Networking in E-Commerce Web Development-

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